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Carolyn Hurst
Oct 15, 20212 min read
A Great Biblical Reference Book
Before you read a book of the Bible it is quite helpful to get a little background of that book. This is especially a great idea for the...
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Carolyn Hurst
Nov 5, 20173 min read
Memorize the Books of the Old Testament
I just wrote a post about memorizing the books of the New Testament. It helps you look up Scripture and is a useful thing to know. It is...
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Carolyn Hurst
Nov 5, 20173 min read
Memorize Order of the New Testament Books
Memorizing the order of the New Testament books is very helpful.
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Carolyn Hurst
Feb 28, 20172 min read
Living as a Christian
The climate is pretty ugly in the United States of America right now. I am dismayed by what people are posting on social media - their...
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Carolyn Hurst
Nov 26, 20166 min read
Why do Bad Things Happen?
It is the age old question. Why do bad things happen to God's people? To explore that question, let's look at the prophetical book of...
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Carolyn Hurst
Jun 13, 20164 min read
Live an Abundant Life - The New Testament Letters
The New Testament has 27 books. The first 5 books are the historical books and record the life and ministry of our Savior, Jesus Christ,...
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Carolyn Hurst
Dec 5, 20155 min read
The Books of the Old Testament
The books of the Old Testament are organized in the canon of Scripture by historical, poetical, and prophetical. Old Testament...
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Carolyn Hurst
Nov 28, 20152 min read
Something to Have for Your Library
(This post has affiliate links that help support this website. Thank you for your support.) I’d like to recommend a great reference...
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Carolyn Hurst
Nov 24, 20157 min read
Reading the Bible
Photograph by Sherry Vechery I heard somewhere that if you read the Bible daily for 20 minutes that you will have read through the whole...
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